Sunday, April 29, 2007

don't be like me

your mother agrees
that for the sake of keeping your innocence
that you be nothing like me
I mean come on
look at me
what mother would want their son or daughter
to be a poet and an artist
who spends his time chugging down 6 pack of luckys
and smoking fat joints...alone
what mother would allow such a thing
certainly not your mother
your mother knows all about me
she sees the faults
and the mistakes
and exposes them to you everytime
you see me looking out your window
It's no wonder why you never come near me
why at every attempt to break the ice
you just keep turning the cold shoulder on me
your mother knows all about me
shes a pyschic with x-ray eyes
and a 10 foot frame
above me
through me
everywhere but insdie me
she sees
So keep your distance
but when you find fault
in mothers idea of perfection
I will be there
with a sincere smile
some open arms
and ears that were only meant for listening
to everything you have been meaning to ask
about me
The person your mother warned you about
The Poet