Friday, August 27, 2010

Where art thou Buhler?

The other day, when I shook hands with a gentleman by the name of John Buhler, I didn't realize it was the same John Buhler that donated 4 million dollars to the University of Winnipeg. He loved the painting I did for Michaelle Jean so much, that he wanted me to paint portraits for his whole family. I only hope he was being honest, because I would really love the extra work right now. I'll put my all into it! I need to start carrying my business cards with me more often. more importantly I need money for my phone. Oh, the beautiful struggles of being an artist...


Marjolaine Hébert said...

Hey, that's great news! Just goes to show..if you're doing your heart's work, the money Will come.
Happy for you-

Marjolaine Hébert said...

Oh! As for John Buhler, we prairie people know him as the farm equipment guy ;-)
email him your goodies:

Nereo II said...

He's a very nice guy. A jolly old fellow. Thanks Marj! You're the best. I just sent him an e-mail.