The other night at the GZA show, Spoof of Frek Sho came up to me to tell me that he heard my music, and respects what I do, and expressed how much of a fan he is of my voice and my words. It seems the tables have turned..
Back in 99, I remember coming up in the hip hop scene as a virgin baby riding the training wheels, looking way up to these local emcees. For him to tell him straight in the face, no no no, I'm a fan of yours, was the highlight of my night.
Give respect, get respect is how I like to see it.
He gave me his pep talk. Told me to release something, but don't take 10 years to do it..and I told him you know what I find the most difficult. spliting myself in half..bouncing from one art to the other, feeling as though I should focus my energy on just one..it's always been that way for me..
He said focus on your art..and do the music on the side..Art is your food, music is your dessert...
He put things to into perspective in the 5 minutes of talking to him..and hey..it makes sense to me..
May is coming up, and love is in the air...as is change..but it feels like im trying to push change back, and saying, give me just 2 more months of this hiding shit and I'll get back to being me again..(me ME)
A friend of mine wrote..change what you can before you can't change at all...
but I don't know..
it sucks having multiple personalities.