prisoners of love
prisoners of tough love
prisoners of no sweet embrace
no compassion
no hug
no "hey how was your day?"
no conversation
no exchange
prisoners of bad role models
who bottle their pain
and walk away
from ongoing problems
which grow rotten and old
prisoners of diseased mindstates
with poorly damaged souls
Listen close..
us young caged birds sing
because our wings wont flap
freedom trapped
under the same roof
where love compassion and truth
dont interact
money is everything for some
while for others..
money is the one thing
that can knot bail them out
prisoners of love
dig deep
the key is within reach
please release us NOW
we are living in
an INcorrectional facility
filling our hearts in
with all the awful parts of our history
we need to treat each other differently
so we can start healthy and fresh
with love
unafraid to undress..
that bullet proof vest
holding us prisoners
under arrest
savour what is left
of the righteous choices
we are all still capable of
dig deep
the key is within reach
please release us
Prisoners of love