Last week a man at the bus stop told everyone waiting for their bus about the word of God. He said go to God, because in the near future bad things are going to happen in the world, and God is who you need to turn to in those times. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. I'm not religious, and usually most talks about Jesus, I immediately shut down because I just don't want to hear it. As he spoke, I didn't even bother to face him, instead listened to him with my back turned as I wrote my name upon the foggy glass. I've been listening to CBC all day for the last few days, and all I hear is War, war, war.some say it could be the start of World War III. When I think about it, Palestine, egypt, & Israel are all holy grounds. There is alot of history there, and now it's being destroyed. I don't care what anyone says, that shit affects EveryONE..and I'm not religions, but I'm still praying for these people. I hope the bullshit stops..
That shit is real.