Sunday, December 27, 2009

Quasimoto 24-7 Instrumental


I hate your face

Dear Facebook,

You are a piece of shit! Let's get that straight. Not only do you eat up my precious time, but you takes away my awareness of knowing that you eats up my ever-so-important time, so by the time I realize that many hours, days, or say weeks have gone to waste, I have already lost so many opportunities to express myself about my hate for your online community piece of shiiiiiiiiet! (and more!) What you have done to my community is unacceptable. With fingertips alone, you have managed to increase the level of incompetence and dependence upon the use of your face. You must not control me completely. I will not allow this to happen.

Fortunately, I still gots that good ol creative juice left in me. I have dug deep into myself and have brought out some more of that willpower, just enough to get myself passed the first hurdle. I have deactivated from your online community shithole and have ventured off into a differnt type of online shithole. Hypocritical? In someways..yes. However the difference is that Doctor Blogger supports the plan to rebuild my creative self, rather than destroying it by wasting my time mindlessly clicking around in circles with no significant progress being made(and more!).

Keep in mind that had my Royal typewriter ribbon not run dry on me, I would be supporting neither one of these poop hole pages. No certainly I would not support these modern day devices, rather I would take the slow noble route with rusty old letterheads, OR traditional paper and pen, and go down like the one of the original greats. On the contrar my fear, I cannot and will not lie, these are different times.

The strength of your pull, and your garnered popularity has made its way into almost everyones vocabulary, and thus has never failed to follow me around with its increasingly hipnotic effects.

check tha scenereo: -- "You know you want to go back, oh just go back, tim hoover, ariel gordon, and a whole list of people you barely know Miss you!! Why you know you like it when that cute little red box pops up in the bottom right corner just for you, it is a symbol of love! a sign that someone out there is actually thinking about you, the higher the number means they really love you. I know it makes you hot! oh my! Tag! you are IT! are some ugly photos of your fucked up teeth when you weren't looking..caught by the motherfucking pooparazzi!! BAM!! Hey there! Too lazy to dress up in a snowsuit and call up your friends to dive into the -not artifical no really this real snow-? haveth no fear my dear! you are just one click away from an online chat with some lazy folks whom all seem to know a little bit of tagalog..Coincidentally always talking about filipino grandpas.. lololololololol.

Bullshit sun! I ain't supporting your crap, not until I have stolen back my lost opportunities to create some beauty, by leaving some words behind, leaving a story, or a doodle will I ever return to you. I must make my mark. I ain't waiting for the New Years resolution. I'll make my own calender..ya DumbFUCK!

Goodbye Facebook, self control here we come!

Signed, truly, with dirty disgusting hate towards your ugly face,

Super el grando nereo, powerhouse bastard child of the north