Friday, February 8, 2008

Surrounded by the profound crowd from downstairswhere uprocking to knockout counts sounds fair feels greatMy head is spinning in that wheels of steels stateI wanna to push my goodfoot to the breaksget up off of that thing with me my mexican baby brotherand make myself feel better while rocking a bill cosby sweaterI wanna sit along the inner circle of the cypherpull an all nighter and watch inner city kids live their life upbecause outside the circle of fire Im sad to say life sucksdeadlines are like major headlines on the follow me around kind of bulletinsIm left behind the hinking what life could have been by nowif only I would have put in less time to lie downand more time to freeze less stress on unecessary school subjects and more focus on how it should be hitting the beatinstead of hitting wall with my fist dear self im sorrybut this college shit has got me pissed studying web scripts that may make no sensefor me nowbut may very well make me dollars laterbecause in the work world that funky goodfoot doesn't get in the doorunless you've got that 8 x ll" non transferable paperso I lay there after practice asking myself is all this hard work worth it.or will my backspin scratch the surface and find more happinessin the struggle??..mmmm eye wonder..

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